With a unique blend of theatrical flair and coaching expertise, MK Larsen has built a strong coaching practice dedicated to helping individuals become confident and compelling communicators. Through her business, she empowers public speakers at all levels to articulate their messages with clarity and confidence.
Larsen had begun her coaching career before enrolling in the Rutgers Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance (LCOP) program, using her experience in theater to assist clients in discovering their voice. Her lifetime dedication to learning and assisting others in overcoming obstacles to become the best versions of themselves is the source of her enthusiasm for leadership development and personal improvement.
“I love to help others find solutions to become better versions of themselves,” Larsen says. “I believe that practice and changing small habits can lead to success.”
The connection between Larson and a coaching acquaintance who had graduated from a previous LCOP cohort was a result of this attitude. Larsen came to the realization that LCOP provided the improved coaching abilities she needed to advance her profession. “I knew LCOP would provide me with the tools to become a more effective coach,” Larsen said.
Larsen discovered that, within the first few weeks of the program, she was not only picking up new coaching skills but also developing deep relationships with experts who shared her interests.
“My instructors and classmates made me a stronger version of my purpose,” Larsen said. “I can’t thank them enough.” The LCOP program is known for creating a strong sense of community, where students support one another and learn from each other’s diverse backgrounds and coaching styles.
LCOP's cohort model encourages networking and teamwork, and this support lasts long after the program is over. The Post-LCOP Alumni Network welcomes graduates and provides them with resources to advance their careers and opportunities to network with other alumni.
“The alumni network is invaluable,” Larsen says. “We continue to learn from each other and build each other up.”
Since completing LCOP, Larsen has been an active member of the LCOP Alumni Network and obtained her Associate Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation. “Coaching really does work!” Larsen said, quoting Caroline Leaf: “Your purpose is not the thing you do. It is the thing that happens to others when you do what you do.”
The LCOP program, delivered in partnership with Heidrick & Struggles, is built on the “learn by doing” approach to adult education, combining practical coaching skills with the ICF Core Competencies. It is taught by professional coaches who bring real-world case studies into the classroom, ensuring that students gain both the knowledge and experience needed to thrive in the coaching field.
For more information about ICF certification or the LCOP program at Rutgers, please visit the Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance program website or contact Dana Bernstein at 732-331-3303.